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Independent Contractors & Self-Employed individuals are eligible for unemployment benefits

On Friday, April 27, 2020, President Donald Trump signed a $2 trillion stimulus bill to help millions of Americans stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic, as many were laid off or are struggling financially.

Under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, included in the stimulus bill, freelancers and gig workers can receive half the average unemployment benefit in their state and an extra $600 per week.

The new assistance program was created to help qualify self-employed workers who couldn’t file for regular unemployment insurance.

In January, the average unemployment-insurance check was $385 per week. This means independent contractors would receive $385 + $600 for a total benefit of $985 weekly.  

The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC) has released answers to frequently asked questions that will guide you in the unemployment claim filing process.

Hints for Filing a Claim Faster

  • When you file your claim you will be asked information about your separating employer. There is a “get matching names” function that will attempt to identify your correct employer so the notice goes out correctly. Please use this function to find your employer and send the notice to their address of record. Failing to do this requires staff to re-mail the notice to the address of record, which could slow down the processing time for your claim.
    • In addition to finding the correct employer, if your separation was due to the business closing or reducing hours due to COVID-19, please mark your reason of separation as a lack of work.


  • Are the offices open?
    • In an effort to protect the safety and well-being of our employees the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission has made the difficult decision to close public access to all OESC State Administrative Offices and Local Oklahoma Works American Job Centers. OESC staff are working remotely to maintain and provide essential services. We encourage all customers to use the online tools available below. We ask for your patience as we strive to serve our fellow Oklahomans as well as keeping our employees safe.
  • Why are you closed to the public?
    • Due to the impact that the Coronavirus has had on our nation, the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC) is utilizing social distancing practices to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Oklahoma. OESC is unable to properly sanitize workforce center equipment/computers nor possess the ability to provide proper personal safety equipment to our customers or employees.  OESC’s first priority is your health and the safety of your family and our leadership team made the decision to prevent possible exposure of COVID-19 to our customers and employees. Please note that our staff is processing claims and performing our normal job duties remotely in order to continue to serve you.
  • How long will you be closed to the public?
    • At the current time, we are monitoring the situation and will make adjustments to our operations as we need to for the health and safety of our staff and the citizens of Oklahoma. Updates will be made to our website at and our local Facebook pages as updates are made.
  • Where can I find out about updates about my local office status?
    • As information becomes available we will post it to our website at and to our local Facebook pages.
  • Where can I go to use the internet?
    • At the present time we are not encouraging anyone to go into public to obtain internet access if you do not have it at your house; be aware and use discretion when making this decision for yourself and your family.
  • How do I file my claim with no internet access?
    • You may call 1-800-555-1554 to speak with a representative regarding filing a claim by phone.
  • Who can file unemployment?
    • Unemployment insurance is a temporary income intended for individuals who have experienced a loss of work due to no fault of their own when suitable work is not available. It is an insurance paid by employers. 
  • How do I collect unemployment benefits?
    • The first step is to file an Initial Claim. You do this by going online to You should then register and prepare a resume on Email a copy of two forms of identification (one must  be a photo ID) to Your claim will be effective the Sunday during the week in which the claim is filed.  Next you must file weekly claims each week you wish to claim benefits (starting immediately).  The weekly claim is a series of questions you must answer which will determine if you have met the eligibility requirements for the week you are filing.
  • Do I have to make work searches during the COVID-19 pandemic?
    • No. At this time the OESC has waived the work search requirement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the required number of work search contacts is zero, individuals should respond “yes” when asked if the required number of work search contacts have been made when filing a weekly claim for benefits. 
  • Do I have to serve a waiting period during the COVID-19 pandemic?
    • No. The Governor has signed an Executive Order waiving the waiting period. All claims filed with an effective date of 3/15/20 or later will have the waiting period waived as long as the order remains in effect.
  • How are payments made?
    • An Unemployment Insurance benefit debit card will be issued to you at the time your first eligible week processes.  It normally takes between 7-10 days to receive the card.  Do not throw the debit card away.  You have two options to receive unemployment insurance payments.  You may receive your payments via the prepaid debit card or you may direct transfer the payments from the prepaid debit card into your own U.S. banking account, for no fee. To receive payments to the debit card, you must activate the card by following the instructions sent with the card. To set up this recurring direct transfer, you must activate your card and then visit or call 1-866-320-8699 and use the automated system to enter your banking information. If you wish to set up direct deposit without activating your card, you must visit  If you have previously been issued a debit card for payment within the past three years, your payment will be issued to that debit card unless otherwise specified.  If you no longer have your previously issued debit card, please contact our payment processing vendor at 1-866-320-8699.
  • How long does it take to get the debit card?
    • An Unemployment Insurance benefit debit card will be issued to you at the time your first eligible week processes.  It normally takes between 7-10 days to receive the card.  Do not throw the debit card away.  It is valid for three years.  If you have previously been issued a debit card for payment within the past three years, your payment will be issued to that debit card unless otherwise specified.  If you no longer have your previously issued debit card, please contact our payment processing vendor at 1-866-320-8699.
  • Who can file unemployment?
    • Unemployment insurance is a temporary income intended for individuals who have experienced a loss of work due to no fault of their own when suitable work is not available. It is an insurance paid by employers. 
  • How do I file?
    • A claim for unemployment benefits may be filed by visiting and clicking the “Claimant Access” link or “Continue” button. 
  • Who is my separating employer?
    • The separating employer is the most recent employer for whom you have worked 15 days or more. This applies to individuals who are temporarily laid off and to those who have completely separated from employment. 
  • How do I know if my claim went through?
    • You can access information about your claim by visiting and clicking the “Claimant Access” link or “Continue” button. You will find information regarding recent activity, monetary entitlement, and determinations of eligibility. 
  •  How do I know how much I’m eligible to receive?
    • Oklahoma’s maximum weekly benefit amount (WBA) for the year 2020 is $539. The amount that an individual qualifies for is based on wages earned from covered employers during the base period. The base period is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters. You can access information about your claim by visiting and clicking the “Claimant Access” link. You can find information regarding recent activity, monetary entitlement, and determinations of eligibility. 
  • How is my weekly benefit amount calculated?
    • The amount you may receive weekly is one twenty-third (1/23) of the highest quarter of taxable wages in your base period not to exceed the maximum weekly benefit amount allowed by Oklahoma law. Taxable wages are those wages during your base period that are subject to unemployment tax. This is a tax paid by your employer and is not taken from your paycheck. If monetarily eligible, the weekly benefit amount will not be less than $16.00 nor more than the maximum allowed by law. In 2020 the maximum WBA is capped at $539.00. For example, if during your base period, your highest calendar quarter of taxable wages was $14,000, your weekly benefit amount would be $539. (Using this rule, $14,000 ÷ 23 = $608.70. The maximum benefit amount allowed by law for 2020 is $539, since $608.70 exceeds that amount, your weekly benefit amount would be $539.). 
  • How do I file a weekly claim?
    • You may file a weekly claim by visiting and clicking the “claimant access” link or by calling 1-800-555-1554 and select the option to file a claim. During this crisis, the governor has waived the job search requirement, please answer “yes” when asked if you have done your work searches so there will not be an automatic stop put on your claim for responding “no.”
  • How long does it take to determine if I am eligible?
    • The U.S. Department of Labor has established the timeliness standard of 21 days for a determination of eligibility.  Please note that the 21 day time-frame is calculated from the day a claim becomes monetarily eligible.
  • Are there extensions available if I’ve previously exhausted my claim?
    • There are no extensions at this time, but if Congress enacts an extension (EUC) or disaster unemployment assistance (DUA) we will provide details on our web site.
  • Do I need to wait until after my Severance to file?
    • You may file a claim upon separation from employment.  However, you must report the details of the severance package when filing your initial claim.  A determination will be made as to whether or not the severance payment is deductible from your unemployment benefits.
  • What if I forget to file my weekly claim on Sunday?
    • There is a fourteen day grace period to file a weekly claim.  Weekly claims must be filed within fourteen days of the week ending date to be considered timely.  Claims which are filed untimely may not be paid. 
  • Can I file for unemployment if I got fired?
    • Anyone who is unemployed may file a claim for unemployment.  When filing your initial claim, you will be asked to provide the reason for separation from your last employer of 15 days or longer.  If you were discharged or fired, an issue (hold) will be placed on your claim until a determination of eligibility is made by the Commission.  An individual shall be disqualified for benefits if he or she has been discharged for misconduct connected with his or her last work.  The applicable law regarding this topic can be found in the Oklahoma Employment Security Act under Section 2-406. 
  • Do I have to report my Social Security as income?
    • No.  Social Security is not deductible from unemployment benefits. 
  • Will I qualify if I’m receiving retirement?
    • When filing your initial claim you will be asked to provide the details of your retirement or pension.  A determination will be made as to whether or not the retirement or pension payment is deductible from your unemployment benefits.  Please note that Social Security does not need to be reported as retirement income. 
  • How do I stop my claim?
    • To stop your claim, simply discontinue filing weekly claims.  No additional payments will be made. 
  • How do I cancel my claim?
    • To cancel your claim please submit a copy of your Social Security card and government issued ID, along with a written statement detailing the reason for the request.  You may fax the request to 405-962-7524.
  • Can I file for unemployment if I quit?
    • Anyone who is unemployed may file a claim for unemployment.  When filing your initial claim, you will be asked to provide the reason for separation from your last employer of 15 days or longer.  If you quit or resigned, an issue (hold) will be placed on your claim until a determination of eligibility is made by the Commission.  An individual shall be disqualified for benefits for leaving his or her last work voluntarily without good cause connected to the work, if so found by the Commission.  There are certain provision for leaving work due to compelling family circumstances.  Additional information regarding this topic can be found in the Oklahoma Employment Security Act under Sections 2-404 and 2-210.

